Thursday, November 7, 2013

Oracle Change/Modify PO Print Logo XSL-FO

Changing the Logo on PO Print is a little tricky. I say tricky purely because even though the PO Print program is a XML Publisher based report the layout part of the report is XSL-FO type. So all the details are in XML.

Note: For doing this we need to have XML Publisher template builder installed. Pls follow the below instructions

Download the patch from Metalink. Latest version as of today is Patch 12395372: UPDATE FOR BI PUBLISHER DESKTOP (5.6.3) size = 95.9 MB Product=BI Publisher (formerly XML Publisher)

Unzip this patch and then run BIPublisherDesktop.exe to install in a directory
So lets get to the task.

Step 1: Create an RTF Document and embed the image into the document. I create a MSWord document and 'Save As' RTF document. And in Word (Menu)Insert -> Picture -> From File -> Select the image.

Step 2: Update the size of image to approx the size it appears in the document.

Step 3: Once you have template builder installed, the plug-in adds new menu options in Word. Tools -> Export -> XSL-FO Style Sheet. Screenshot attached

Step 4: An XML file is generated, Open the file and search for tag 'fo:instream-foreign-object' tag which is of our interest.

Step 5: Copy the tag contents from the beginning to the end of the tag 'fo:instream-foreign-object'. So this is our image xdofo:uid 

Step 6: Open XML Publisher, Search for Template 'Standard Purchase Order Stylesheet', Duplicate the template entering required details. Download PO_STANDARD_XSLFO.xsl and rename to XXC_PO_STANDARD_XSLFO.xsl

Step 7: Open XXC_PO_STANDARD_XSLFO.xsl and search for 'fo:inline' which contains the Logo info. Uncomment the inline tags and replace the 'fo:external-graphic content' with the tags contents we copied in step 5.

The file should look like this.

Step 8: Save XXC_PO_STANDARD_XSLFO.xsl and attach the file to the template we created in Step 6. Also update the xsl:style sheet definition(at the beginning of the document) to refer to xdo namespace as follows.

'xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:fo="" xmlns:ora="" xmlns:xdofo="" xmlns:xdoxliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1" xmlns:xdoxslt="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsl=""' 

Step 9: Attach the new template to PO Document Types. (Document Type Layout), so the new template will be picked for the PO document creation

Step 10: For this article purpose lets simply the process and see if we can get the PO Document with the new Logo, by using the preview button in XML Publisher(for the new template we created in Step 6).Here we have it.

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