Thursday, November 15, 2018

Transactions AND Average Costing


The following table indicates whether specific transactions update the average unit cost of an item.
TransactionsUpdate Average
Purchase Order Receipt to Receiving InspectionNo
Delivery from Receiving Inspection to InventoryYes
Purchase Order Receipt to InventoryYes
Return to Supplier from ReceivingNo
Return to Supplier from InventoryYes
Miscellaneous IssueNo (if default cost is used)
Miscellaneous ReceiptNo (if default cost is used)
Shipment Transaction/FOB ReceiptNo
Shipment Transaction/FOB Shipment: Sending OrgNo
Shipment Transaction/FOB Shipment: Receiving OrgYes
Receipt Transaction/FOB Receipt: Sending OrgNo
Receipt Transaction/FOB Receipt: Receiving OrgYes
Receipt Transaction/FOB ShipmentNo
Direct Inter-Organization Transfer: Sending OrgNo
Direct Inter-Organization Transfer: Receiving OrgYes
Cycle CountNo
Physical InventoryNo
Sales Order ShipmentsNo
RMA ReceiptsYes
RMA ReturnsNo
Average Cost UpdateYes
Note: The accounts in average costing transactions are the default accounts when average costing is used. If Subledger Accounting (SLA) is enabled and SLA rules are customized, then the default accounts are not used.