Tuesday, August 28, 2018


We're going to:
  1. Create a Bursting Control File to email Suppliers
  2. Upload the control file to the Data Definition
  3. Test it out by calling the XML Publisher Report Bursting Program
  4. (Optional) Extend the Report to automatically submit the Bursting program
At this point please make sure you have done the following EBS bursting prerequisite steps:
  • (Optional, but highly recommended) Upgrade to / XMLP 5.6.3 or higher (ATG RUP5 or higher is nice)
  • Restarted your applications processes - or the button to upload your bursting control file won't appear!
  • Set the Temporary Directory under XML Publisher Administrator, Administration, General - to e.g. /tmp, or you'll get error message:

Bursting Control File

Next, lets get into the Bursting control file and look at it a bit closer:
1. Create Bursting Control File to email Suppliers custom Separate Remittance Advice 

subject="Virtuate - Remittance Advice for Payment ${C_CHECK_NUMBER}">
Please find attached Remittance Advice for payment ${C_CHECK_NUMBER}.

The Payables Team
Virtuate Limited

Hmm, what does all this jargon in the control file do? Well, here's a pretty picture that explains a lot of it: 


Make sure it all works ... gotta make sure its the right flavor!
Navigate into Payables, Submit Request, XML Publisher Report Bursting Program, and specify the request from your last custom Separate Remittance Advice request. 

Add code to after report trigger to automate bursting

    v_req_id number := 0;
    if nvl(:p_burst,'N') = 'Y' then
      v_req_id := xxv8_xmlp_burst_pkg.submit_request_burst('XXV8_APXPBSRA',:p_conc_request_id);
      if v_req_id > 0 then
        srw.message(20002, 'Submitted request_id ' || v_req_id);
        srw.message(20002, 'Failed to submit request');
      end if;
    end if;

create or replace package body XXV8_XMLP_BURST_PKG AS
function submit_request_burst
( p_code in varchar2
, p_request_id in number
) return number
  l_req_id number := 0;
  if p_code = 'XXV8_APXPBSRA' then
    l_req_id := fnd_request.submit_request('XDO','XDOBURSTREP',NULL,NULL,FALSE,
  end if;
  return l_req_id;
end submit_request_burst;


Monday, August 20, 2018

Research Files


pdf site:motilaloswal.com/



https://equitylensman.blogspot.com - 












Monday, August 6, 2018

FIND Special Characters Oracle


AS (SELECT inventory_item_id, segment2
FROM   mtl_system_items_b
WHERE  inventory_item_id IN (18736091,18736071,18791648,18689552,12492301,18695455
AND    organization_id = 101
 SELECT  t.inventory_item_id,
        CAST( c.COLUMN_VALUE AS CHAR(1 CHAR) ) AS character,
        COUNT(1) AS frequency
FROM    wc t,
              SELECT SUBSTR( t.segment2, LEVEL, 1 )
              FROM   DUAL
              WHERE  REGEXP_LIKE( SUBSTR( t.segment2, LEVEL, 1 ), '[^a-zA-Z0-9]' )
              CONNECT BY LEVEL <= LENGTH( t.segment2 )
        ) c
GROUP BY t.inventory_item_id, c.COLUMN_VALUE

WITH msib_wc
AS (SELECT  segment2
FROM   mtl_system_items_b
WHERE  inventory_item_id IN (18736091,18736071,18791648,18689552,12492301,18695455)
AND    organization_id = 101
        COUNT(1) AS frequency
FROM    msib_wc  ,
              SELECT SUBSTR( msib_wc.segment2, LEVEL, 1 )
              FROM   DUAL
              WHERE  REGEXP_LIKE( SUBSTR( msib_wc.segment2, LEVEL, 1 ), '[^a-zA-Z0-9]' )
              CONNECT BY LEVEL <= LENGTH( msib_wc.segment2 )
        ) c

Friday, August 3, 2018

Vastu Zones And Significance


In any living space there is an importance to a particular activity to be performed in Particular zone of the house. And accordingly you will have good, bad or no effects. Having any activity or any objects or color, Anti to that zone can create negative effect to the occupants. Similarly one can use individual zone for their own benefits.

Living Space is divided into 16 zone as per the theory of Five Elements and each zone has its own significance.

Five Elements (Pancha Tatva) 
Water (Blue) -  Air (Green) - Fire (Red) -  Earth (Yellow) - Space (White)

16 Zones
North (N), North North East (NNE), North East (NE), East North East (ENE), East (E), East South East (ESE),  South East (SE), South South East (SSE), South (S), South South West(SSW), South West(SW), West South West(WSW), West (W), West North West(WNW), North West (NW), North North West(NNW)

North - N

(Money and Opportunity)
If you are lacking opportunity or wants to create new opportunity this is the zone to look for.

North East - NE
(Clarity of Mind)
If you are lacking clarity in your thought process or don't know what to do then this is the zone to look for.

North North East - NNE
(Health and Immunity)
If you are facing any health related issue this is the zone to look for other zone related to specific health issue.

East North East - ENE
(Recreation and Fun)
If you are missing fun and recreation in your life, life is getting boring then this is the zone to look for.

East - E
(Social Association)
If you don't have friends or no social life then this is zone to look for.

East South East - ESE
(Anxiety and Churning)
If you are always anxious and keep thinking about unnecessary things then this is the zone to look for.

South East - SE
(Fire Cash and Liquidity)
If you have blocked payment or your source of income is affected then this is the zone to look for.

South South East - SSE
(Power and Confidence)
If you lack confidence or feel powerless then this is the zone to look for.

South - S
(Relaxation and Fame)
If you think your are always stressed, sleepless nights and don't get recognition you deserve then this the zone to look for.

South South West - SSW
(Expenditure and Disposal)
If you think that you are not getting results for whatever you do and there are unnecessary , uncontrollable expenditure then this is the zone to look for.

South West - SW
(Relationship and Skill)
If there are relationship issues, or even though you are skillful but you are benefiting from it then this is zone to look for.

West South West - WSW (White/Gray)
(Education and Saving)
Even if you are hardworking but you are not doing well with your studies or you are not able save any money then this is the zone to look for.

West - W (White/Gray)
(Gains and Profits)
If you think you are lacking gains and profits for hard work you do or in business then this is the zone to look for.

West North West - WNW (White/Gray)

(Depression and Detoxify)
If you are depressed or stuck with past memories then this is the zone to look for.

North West - NW
(Support and Banking)
If you are lacking support from your loved once or outside world (Bank, Govt dept etc) then this is the zone to look for.

North North West - NNW 
(Sex and Attraction)
If you are lacking zeal in your married life, If you think people don't get attracted to your product or thing you do then this is zone to look for. 

When Buying New House


So what are the things to look for when buying new house, your dream home?

We are considering following factors to help you make the decision:

1) House Entrance
2) Toilet Locations
3) Kitchen Location

Lets discuss about the house you should not buy ( Unless you are willing to do the major renovations before moving in )

Main entrance is the most important factor while making any decision. Entrance location, If its good then it can bring prosperity and if its bad then it can ruin everything.

House with Entrances Location to Avoid 

SW entrance should be avoided at any cost. Similarly NE, SE and SSW entrances should be avoided as even remedies may not work.

Having entrance here will isolate the family from rest of the world for any possible reason. There will be losses, accidents in the house. These entrances will results into total wastage of your efforts.

House with Toilet Positions to Avoid

Toilet is the disposal activity and If toilet is in NNE, NE or SW you should avoid buying that house unless you are willing to relocate it. Having toilet there will create health related issues. There wont be any peace of mind, relationship issues may occur. Having toilet in NE can also cause Cancer to the occupant after certain age.

House with Kitchen Location to Avoid

Kitchen (Cooking Range) represent fire and having Fire in zone of relationship is not good. So having Kitchen in SW should be avoided as it will add fire into the relationship and any remedy may not work. Having fire in the NE (zone of Clarity of Mind) should be avoided. Also having kitchen in the zone of disposal (SSW) should be avoided as occupant may not gain from the food cooked here and can have health issues. And relocation of the kitchen is the only option in those cases. Also if you own the business then avoid the kitchen in SE as it can create the situation where you will end up working for someone else. 

So make the wise decision or you can leave it to experts to make decision for you. We can help you decide when buying new house.