Friday, March 21, 2014

Back Order

Order Management and Shipping Execution has two types of   Backorders.

Back-orders caused by Pick Releasing (PR)  order lines when there is no or not enough stock available.

And back-orders caused by shipping less, at Ship confirm, than what was released.

A. Backorders after Pick Releasing with Insufficient Stock

Pick Release will process all order (more correctly shipping) lines that you selected when
submitting PR.  It will create move order lines for each line, whether there is stock available or not.
You (or the system) will however, not be able to (auto) detail and (auto) Pick Confirm the    
lines where there is not enough stock available.  In R11i, you cannot switch off reservations
for PR.  Also, the system will not print pick slips for lines that are not detailed.
The delivery line, which was 'Ready to Release' before running PR will be split into a quantity
 that was available for picking and a unavailable quantity.  The first delivery line will become
status ‘Released’ (Pick Confirmed), the second 'Submitted for Release' (Move Order created,
but not confirmed).  In the latter case, the ‘Details Required' status is checked.  The order line will
 not split at this point, but receives a 'Picked partial' status.  After Ship Confirming the Released
delivery line, the original order line will be split into a 'Shipped' and a 'Submitted for Release' line
 (unless the shipped quantity falls within the under shipment tolerance).  The latter will be available
 for Pick Release as a 'Backorder' as soon as there is stock available.  On the sales order, there is
no order or workflow status called 'Backorder'.  You will not really see any difference
between a scheduled order line that was never released and a backordered line.  
Pick Release is able to distinguish between the two, because it allows you to release them

B. Backorders Caused by shipping less than what was Released

Before Ship Confirming a Released (Pick Confirmed) delivery line, you have theoption to update the 
shipped quantity.  If the shipped quantity is less than the picked quantity, you have can either 
designate the remaining quantity as
'Backordered' (meaning the quantity was lost somewhere along the picking/staging process) or 
leave it in staging in to assign it to a different delivery (i.e. truck was full and wait for next pick up).
At Ship Confirm, any staged quantities will be split off in a separate delivery line that is
immediately ready to be shipped in a subsequent delivery.  A backordered quantity will remain 
noted on the same delivery line.  Only when the original delivery line is interfaced through       
Inventory Interface/Order Management Interface, will the order line be split into a line for the 
shipped quantity and a new line for the backordered quantity (Awaiting shipping).  This enables 
you to pick the remaining quantity again in order to fulfill the complete order quantity.  This split 
will only happen if the backordered quantity is greater than the Under Shipment Tolerance.

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