LPN Details
Overview of License Plate Numbers (LPN):
LPN's are used in Oracle Warehouse Management System (WMS).Oracle WMS provides full visibility to inventory items that are stored in LPNs. An LPN in Oracle WMS is any object that
exists in a location and holds items. Although LPNs are associated with containers, they do not need to represent a physical identity, such as a box.
Thus, a LPN might be defined as just a label or a collection of items. Oracle WMS enables you to track, transact and nest LPNs and their contents.
Using License Plate Numbers:
The Oracle WMS LPN features enable you to do the following:
a. Receive, store, and pick material by LPN
b. View on-hand balances by LPN
c. View contents of LPN, including item number, serial number, quantity, and so on
d. Move many items in a transaction using the LPN
e. Print labels and reports for referencing container contents
f. Track nested LPNs (for e ample, cartons on a pallet)
G. Pack, unpack, consolidate, split, and update LPNs
h. Reuse empty LPNs
Points to remember when using LPN s (License Plate Numbers):
LPN_ID : LPN from which an Unpack operation is to be done
TRANSFER_LPN_ID : LPN to which a Pack operation is to be done
CONTENT_LPN_ID field is populated for Issue transactions and the TRANSFER_LPN_ID for Receipt transactions (LPN_ID field in MTI should NOT be used for these transactions)
We cannot issue individual serials from an LPN through an Issue transaction. If an Misc. Issue is done for an LPN the ENTIRE LPN and ALL ITS CONTENTS are issued out. If the you want to issue out a single serial from an LPN, the you must first unpack the serial from thesting an unpack transaction and then issue the individual serial.
In our scenario we will receive item bmwlpnserial into LPN A using miscellaneous receipt. We are going to receive 10 quantity of the item into subinventory FGI and locator'1.1.1'. We have generated the LPN using Generate LPN program through Warehouse Manger responsibility and the concurrent program is under Other> Requests > Run. You can check the LPN number in the log file of the Generate LPN program.
Below is the sql to check the LPN information then Generate LPN program.
SQL> select lpn_id,license_plate_number,lpn_content
2 from wms_license_plate_numbers
3 where license_plate_number = 'LPN1A';
--------- ------------------------------ -----------
128 LPN1A 5
Below is the sql to find out the meaning for the LPN content.
SQL> select lookup_code, meaning
from mfg_lookups
where lookup_type ='WMS_LPN_CONTEXT'
order by lookup_code;
----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 Resides in Inventory
2 Resides in WIP
3 Resides in Receiving
4 Issued out of Stores
5 Defined but not used
6 Resides in Intransit
7 Resides in Vendor
8 Packing content
9 Loaded to Dock
10 Prepack for WIP
11 Picked
Hi Aarti,
ReplyDeleteWe have a requirement to show PO, LPN, PO Line on the same label with serial and LOT. As you know that, if i use LPN Contain label type, i cannot show serial/LOT during PO receiving. can you please help me with the custom sql field to show PO/PO Line/LPN on serial label type?