A supply information is generated in MTL_SUPPLY, SUPPLY_TYPE_CODE = PO, SUPPLY_SOURCE_ID = PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID. In addition, the PO document related information is recorded in the table. Records in MTL_SUPPLY are created every time you approve a requisition or a PO or create an intransit shipment.
One record of REQ type will be created for one requisition line when the requisition is approved. (SUPPLY_TYPE_CODE = REQ)
One record of PO type will be created per PO distribution (SUPPLY_TYPE_CODE = PO) when a PO is approved and one record per shipment line will be created when a shipment is created.
RCV_SUPPLY, rcv_transactions_interface, rcv_headers_interface have no data at this time
After complete delivery[ TRANSACTION_TYPE = DELIVER], RCV_SUPPLY and MTL_SUPPLY will be deleted.
After Receipt runs successfully, you can see that the RTI data is deleted, and the RCV related data is also generated in the rcv_shipment_headers, rcv_shipment_lines, rcv_transactions, and rcv_supply tables. Rcv_shipment_headers records the information of Receipt Header, and rcv_shipment_lines records the information of Receipt's Line In order to receive the history table, RCV_SUPPLY indicates how much is still to be received (at this time, SUPPLY_TYPE_CODE is in the RECEIVING state).
One record of REQ type will be created for one requisition line when the requisition is approved. (SUPPLY_TYPE_CODE = REQ)
One record of PO type will be created per PO distribution (SUPPLY_TYPE_CODE = PO) when a PO is approved and one record per shipment line will be created when a shipment is created.